Hope.fyi are not associated with any church or organization. This site is also not associated with any of the sites whose content is presented and/or linked on the pages. It’s here for anyone who’s seeking answers in life. But it isn’t about religion, it’s about a relationship. For more about Hope.fyi, please read our Statement of Faith.

Please take a look around and know you too can experience first hand how God can break through a life without purpose and experience true hope and joy that only Jesus can give. That, and knowing that through accepting Jesus as your personal savior, you’ll spend eternity with Him.

But understand that Jesus will never force you to accept His forgiveness in your life. It’s a choice up to you and decided by your free will. However, by choosing to reject Jesus and His forgiveness for your sins, you are rejecting spending eternity with Him . That means you will be judged for your sins and experience eternal separation from God and according to the Bible, spending eternity in hell. But that is your choice and not God’s desire.

Our prayer is you will choose His forgiveness and find that hope and peace that only He can give.